
SHIFTING BASSLINES - club culture and sustainability
Fellowship at the Research Institute for Sustainbility - Helmholtz Centre Potsdam

© Opashona Ghosh

 Sounding Knowledge Network (AHRC Network Research Project (2022-2023))
University of the Arts London (UAL)/ CRISAP (Creative Research Into Sound Arts Practice)

Sounding Knowledge Network aims to conceptualise and establish Sonic Pedagogy to address the underrepresentation of sound within education and to contribute to teaching and learning through sensory and embodied experiences. This network will establish Sonic Pedagogy and the practice of Aural Literacy as modes of teaching and learning. Read more here:

My research interests

  • Sustainability and Social-Ecological Transformation, Clubculture
  • Praxeological and Relational Perspectives on belonging as "becoming-with”
  • Educational potentials of sound, sonic pedagogy and aural literacy
  • Qualitative social research (focus: discourse and dispositif analysis)
  • Knowledge production and science communication